Monday, January 28, 2013

TETIC Moves On

First of mad apologizes for the delay in this release.

On the 19th of January The Eden Trading International Corporation announced their plans to leave CVA and join their friends in Paxton Industries in another endevour.  Hexentanz explained their plans in an announcement in the allied section of theCitadel Forums.

Hello Gentlemen,
As it maybe already came to your attention, TETIC is leaving CVA for a new offensive task. 
We're happy with what providence became in the last 2 years where we were part of CVA. 
Being a corporation primary up for supporting its alliance in war and offensives, we're not having much to do now, as operation deliverance is completed to what it is designed for - holding providence.
I want to thank Everyone for the great time, especially also Codo Yagari, XavierVE, Tasha Diabolique and many others.  Special thanks also to Equinox Daedalus for keeping the wagon together in easy and in rough times.
Keep up the reunion of alliances to make provi bloc strong and pulling on the same rope.
In case you want to stay in contact, our channel "TETIC" is always open <3
Signing off

With the leaving of the 100+ man corporation TETIC and the recent departure of the 160+ man Firestar Corporation, and the removal of the inactive corporation Humantarget, CVA has lost significantly manpower recently.  However as many have reported such is the cycle of Eve, and with recent new additions in Catalina Operations and Logistics Division, and the recent resurgence of Polaris Project with the merging of active elements of Nihilistic Social Club, CVA is already swinging back.

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